Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Hello again. I know it has truly been ages since I last blogged and well, life has been rather curious over the last few months and all. Study wise, not so bad and I seem to have a lot more friends than before. Mafia ROCKS!!! 

Also, the usual update on gaming status: Diablo 2 was finished how many eons ago and now I have Command and Conquer 3 and HALO; so overall, not so bad.

Anyways, this post was because I wanna tell the whole world that Google Chrome ROCKS!!!! It is the first time that I have admitted that a browser is better than Firefox, but its true. Google Chrome is BETTER than Firefox. 


If anyone can guess what that means, they are a genius....

Tag me if you can solve it.

"It Is In The Darkest Night That The Light We Are Shines Brightest"

Darth Iodide invaded at 8:32 pm

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

To the readers to still bother to check back, I have finally decided to start blogging again. When I check to see when was the last time I blogged, it was an astonishing 10 months ago. Lots of things have changed now and I am not too sure whether its in the right direction. I have had a lot of things to mull over and now, I am certain that I can do better this semester than all the other three semesters I have spent in this school.

Just the usual update, I have successfully finished Diablo 2 since I last blogged. I have also managed to replay and finish Command & Conquer Renegade, Generals and Zero Hour. Seems like I spend more time playing than anything else doesn't it?

Hope I have more friends too.....

"It Is In The Darkest Night That The Light We Are Shines Brightest"

Darth Iodide invaded at 10:01 pm

Friday, September 22, 2006

School AGAIN!!! Sigh... I feel so sad sometimes. For example, Zhong Ming and Terry have picked up a rather interesting habit; writing down ALL of the stupid things I say. Now, an ordinary person might have implied the fact that they are not so happy with the quoting.However, I have actually grown used to it and come to think of it, its actually rather funny. Besides, it IS true that I say many useless and stupid things in class.

So, on a happier note, I am proud to say that I have officially kicked Mephisto's butt in Diablo 2 today. Also, I am level 26 and able to have the amazing Immolation arrow where it is a flaming arrow which explodes upon impact with any monster and leaves behind a firewall for about 10 seconds.

So, no suprise that it was that weapon along with my bow to kick Mephisto's butt.
All's well that ends well!!

"It Is In The Darkest Night That The Light We Are Shines Brightest"

Darth Iodide invaded at 8:47 pm

Saturday, September 09, 2006

This HAS to be the worst holiday week ever. So Sian man. Got SOOOOO much homework. Physics project, maths journal, history assignment, etc. School also has not really improved much. Still is so boring sometimes and yet can be fun at other times.Oh well, at least i can enjoy some time during the holidays.

Can Finally play Diablo 2 again. it is old yes. But it is super fun!!
i am a level 20 Amazon who jus got butt-kicked by Duriel XD

Ah Well, i suppose I could have a better outlook on life.

"It Is In The Darkest Night That The Light We Are Shines Brightest"

Darth Iodide invaded at 4:26 pm

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Ah well, school has begun yet again. Homework, lessons, etc. Do i have to elaborate?? Yes, I know. I haven't realli been blooging for a while. For the past month, i have realli lost the creative spark of writing.

Oh well got to go!!

"It Is In The Darkest Night That The Light We Are Shines Brightest"

Darth Iodide invaded at 9:19 am

Monday, May 15, 2006

At last!!!! Exams are nearly OVER!!! Jus bio tomorrow and then i am done!! And yes, it has been a stressful weekend and week. Today has to be the most suprising day because i found that i could do questions i didnt know i could do. Also, my mother tongue, Higher Tamil, was easier than i expected. So, i think, i hope i can do well for it!!!

oh well, the dies are cast!!

"It Is In The Darkest Night That The Light We Are Shines Brightest"

Darth Iodide invaded at 5:18 pm

Thursday, May 11, 2006

I die man........ After taking Physics and maths, i know for sure i confirm fail Physics. Even with a help sheet, i know for sure, 100% i WILL NOT pass. And then the BIG math module MA3101, i dunno lar... maybe can pass, maybe not.....Arrrrgggghhhhhhhh!!!! This exam stress is making me unable to concentrate, even for blogging!!! I, the full sentence blogger himself reduced to sentence fragments!!! Noooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!

Enough of that nonsense. I have found the love of my life at last! Star Wars: Battlefront 2. That PC game has got to be THE game of my life. After playing that, i can even stay off Pangya for at least a week. Such a mesmerising game....sigh......

"It Is In The Darkest Night That The Light We Are Shines Brightest"

Darth Iodide invaded at 9:20 pm

The Iodic One

Name : Darth Iodide
Age : Wouldn't You like to know??
Location: Guess
Wishlist: An Anakin Skywalker Full sized replica lightsaber (costs 533.40 US dollars though)

Past Invasions

April 2006 May 2006 July 2006 September 2006 July 2007 September 2008

Other Corrosive Ones

.Asra (Darth Sulphate).
.Vanessa Lee.
.Si Hongbo.
.M06301 Class Blog.
.Phua Han Siang.
.Shu Hui.
.Zhong Ming.