Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Hello again. I know it has truly been ages since I last blogged and well, life has been rather curious over the last few months and all. Study wise, not so bad and I seem to have a lot more friends than before. Mafia ROCKS!!! 

Also, the usual update on gaming status: Diablo 2 was finished how many eons ago and now I have Command and Conquer 3 and HALO; so overall, not so bad.

Anyways, this post was because I wanna tell the whole world that Google Chrome ROCKS!!!! It is the first time that I have admitted that a browser is better than Firefox, but its true. Google Chrome is BETTER than Firefox. 


If anyone can guess what that means, they are a genius....

Tag me if you can solve it.

"It Is In The Darkest Night That The Light We Are Shines Brightest"

Darth Iodide invaded at 8:32 pm

The Iodic One

Name : Darth Iodide
Age : Wouldn't You like to know??
Location: Guess
Wishlist: An Anakin Skywalker Full sized replica lightsaber (costs 533.40 US dollars though)

Past Invasions

April 2006 May 2006 July 2006 September 2006 July 2007 September 2008

Other Corrosive Ones

.Asra (Darth Sulphate).
.Vanessa Lee.
.Si Hongbo.
.M06301 Class Blog.
.Phua Han Siang.
.Shu Hui.
.Zhong Ming.